Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Ice Cream!

I am not sure how much snow everyone is getting, but I carried on a family tradition with Nick tonight and made snow ice cream with the inches that have accumulated in our yard. It was really good and Nick loved it. I had so much fun making this with my mom when I was a kid that I couldnt pass up the opportunity.
Here is the recipie.

1 cup Half & Half
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
dash of salt
5 cups of fresh, clean snow
Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Is My Hat on Straight?


I really wanted to keep up on Idol this year, but so far I cannot get into it at all. I really hope things start rolling a little better. They may have to cut the whole audition part out to keep my attention. It used to be funny, but now it is just dumb and I don't even get excited about watching it now. Nick dances to the music though whether the performers are bad or good. Hopefully he isn't tone deaf!

Fun with Reggie

Saturday, January 26, 2008

McDreamy Alright!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Make sure to pay your taxes!!!!

21 million illegal aliens are depending on you!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Another Little Spelling???

It has been rumored that Tori is expecting her second child. Liam is only one. I can't imagine having children so close together, but I guess if you have money you can afford a nanny.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Terrible Twos

I really don't want to admit it, but I
think that Nick has reached the dreaded Terrible Twos!!! It
seems like he is constantly fighting with Ryan and I about every little
thing...snacks, toys, the puppy, anything you could think of. I guess I
thought that since he was not two yet he would not enter this stage for a while. I am trying the time out method, and for the most part it seems to be working, but we still have
tantrums....ALOT, and
I don't think it is fair for him to have to sit in a time out chair all day
long. Does anybody have any advice on how to deal with this or maybe even
books or websites for me to look at. I am desperate for any help I can
get. It is even getting bad enough that Grandma Linda has resorted to using time out and we all know how spoiled this little man is by his Grandma

Body Worlds 3

For my birthday my Mother-in-Law got me tickets to go see Body Worlds 3. Thank you Linda!!!!! For those of you who do not know what this is here is a brief overview.

BODY WORLDS features more than 200 authentic human specimens preserved through Plastination, including whole bodies, individual organs, and transparent body slices. Plastination is a process that halts the decay of the human body by replacing fats and liquids with a polymer solution to enhance the study and understanding of anatomy. The exhibit offers visitors an in-depth view of the intricately designed human body, comparative anatomy showing wellness and disease, and the mysterious world of the brain.

This display is at the St. Louis Science Center until March. Not only do I get to see this display (which I have wanted to see for a VERY long time), but I get extra credit in my Anatomy class just for going. So I kill two birds with one stone.

Do Politicians Need More Sleep?

I thought you all might enjoy this classic film of Former President Bill Clinton falling asleep during an MLK speech on Monday. I guess Hillary needs to let him sleep a little more. President Clinton has been quoted as saying that "Just 15 minutes helps to get me through the day". I guess the rest of his day went well!

Heath Ledger

Although I never looked at him the same again after this movie, I found it really sad that this man is dead. It appears by most of the reports that I have read that it is possible he has died of an overdose of sleeping pills. Poor Matilda! Anyway RIP Heath Ledger.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

China Does It Again

Most women love to have pedicures and get their feet summer ready before they put on their first pair of sandals. Make sure when you slip your tootsies into flip-flops this summer they don't come from Wal-Mart. Most of the sandals come from China. China uses cheap resources to make the products they send to us and apparently the same type of paint they put into the toys we buy for our children. This is just one of the pictures that I received to show you the damage the thongs will do to your feet. When you start shopping for the seasons latest sandal fashion make sure the tag doesn't say made in China. It sure does nothing for the pedicure now does it?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Our New Ride

We traded in our 2006 KIA Sportage for a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited. I have never really liked the KIA (aka the Rubber Band Van) and to be honest we grew out of it rather quickly. We needed more room.
Ryan has been informing regularly daily about new jeeps he has found on the web. This has been going on for about three weeks now. I am elated to say the calls are finally over and we have found the vehicle we were looking for. We purchased the Martin Family Wagon today and hope to have it for a long time to come.

I am very excited about all the room I will have now when I go shopping or visiting back home. It was not too hard to make a good deal with Mr. Scott, so we jumped on the opportunity to upgrade if you will. Ryan had good reason to call me constantly with updates and I do have to say his obsession paid off!

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Wow it is hard to believe that I am 29 years old today! I am kind of excited about next years birthday. I do hear that 30 is the new 20. Can't wait to see what the day will hold for me!

Welcome Home Reggie!!!!

We finally brought home our new little puppy. Reggie came home on January 16th. We had to take him to the emergency vet not even 10 hours after picking him up. He even had to spend the night to get IV's. He had a parasite and needed to be treated. Thank goodness he is going to be alright. I am beginning to wonder what I have gotten myself into with a new puppy and a 17 month old, but I am sure we will all adjust. (Hopefully Soon)
Notice his legs had to be shaved in order to put in the IV's.

Nick playing with his new little buddy. He is having a hard time trying to figure out why he can't pick up this fuzzy little bundle. To be honest, I think Nick is very jealous.

The Results are In!!!

Idol fans have voted and your favorite Idol is.....Of course the one and only Rocker Chris Daughtry!!!

And of course who wouldn't want more crazy Paula! She has been quit calm this year on you think they have her sedated?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Round One....Philadelphia

Okay so season Seven has officially kicked off. I have to say I did laugh a little, but I sure hope things pick up. I cannot believe what people will do just to get on TV say for instance wax your chest hair at the request of Paula...and what about Paul the Stalker who sang the scary song to her. Milo was quite interesting too with his leopard vest and No Sex Allowed Song!
Joey Catalono impressed me with his chords. I was not sure what to expect when this recent loser of 205 pounds stepped up to the plate. I was however pleasantly surprised.
Jenot Joyner seems like another promising young musician. I cant wait to see a little more of him. His rendition of the Elton John classic left me wanting to hear more. I was however wondering what was up with his left eye. It seemed to be closed when he sang...anyone else notice this?
Next we introduce Miss Temptress Brown who is not only auditioning for herself, but her mother as well. Enough said if you all seen the show tonight!
The one contestant that left my sides hurting from laughter was Alexis Kohen. With her huge 3 D star earrings and the sparkles on her face that just didn't quit. I was not quite sure what or where this girl came from. Remind me to never take my animals to Dr. Kohen.
My two favorite performers of the night had to be Angela Martin and Kristy Lee Cook.
Angela Martin, was the young mother of the little girl who had Retts. I am tired of the sad stories to try to make it to Hollywood, but this one seemed different and I really liked her voice.
Kristy Lee Cook looked a lot like a young Rachel Hunter to me. She was really sweet and sang Amazing Grace beautifully!
Not too much action from Simon tonight which disappoints me. I love to see him get all fired up.
A few quotes from the judges tonight included:
"Moronic Jerk"
"Dream Shatter"
"Peace, Love and chicken grease"
"All because the fat lump wants to be on TV"
Stay tuned for tomorrow nights recap!

Monday, January 14, 2008

This is a CELEBRITY????

She looks absolutely dreadful. Amy Winehouse is a scary woman.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Only 2 Days Till Idol!!!!

American Idol starts in 2 days and I am giddy with anticipation as to what this year will bring. I was so disappointed in last year that the jury is still out whether or not I will be an Idol fan after this season. The year that Taylor Hicks won would have to be one of the best years so far and I feel that it will be very hard to beat. I do look forward to all the gossip that surrounds the celebrity judges and cannot wait to see which Paula will show up each day. I am sure you will probably all get very tired of my Idol chat, but hopefully some of you will be able to converse with me about it. I will start a poll to see how many Idol Watchers check in on my blog.
Of course there will never be another Chris Daughtry....My favorite Idol of all time. I think he should go down in the Idol hall of fame!!!!! (what a hottie!)

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Sarah, maybe this explains the bobble head look!

Dog Training

Sure hope it is this easy!!!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chance Meeting

My father-in-law took me to the Fox to see High School Musical. It was really good and I had a wonderful time. The singing and dancing reminded me of when I was in High School and preformed in musicals myself.

It was raining when we arrived so Bud dropped me off at the front door and said he would meet me in the lobby. I was standing in the lobby looking out to see all the young kids swarm in when I noticed this man wearing what I call a warm up suit. It was blue and white and he was wearing a hat to match. When I looked at him I knew there was something very familiar about his face. I kept looking and finally realized it was Albert Pujols. ALBERT PUJOLS right in front of me. I walked out the door and went behind him as he was trying to enter the door and said Mr. Pujols. He turned around and said, "Nice to meet you" and shook my hand. He then said, "Excuse me, but I need to go help my wife." I wanted to ask him for an autograph so bad, but I knew he was there with his family and probably did not want to be bothered as I am sure he gets that all the time.

I shook hands with Albert Pujols. How crazy is that? For those of you who may be saying who in the world is this man...He is the first baseman for the St. Louis Cardinals. I did get a picture of him helping his wife and family across the street, but cannot get sent from my cell to my email to download it. I am working on that so maybe I will have a picture soon.

It was awesome to rub elbows with a celebrity!!! This is one reason why I love STL baby!

Just a Cute Pic!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Who would you vote for?

Special Delivery

Elmer Fudd?

Nothing but blues skies...and a few little rain clouds.

The weather has been absolutely fabulous in our area. We have been able to go outside and play three days in a row. We do have to take breaks between the rain showers, but all in all we have enjoyed the much needed fresh air. I think we were all experiencing a little cabin fever.

Martin Family to Have New Addition....

It is official. As of yesterday we have decided to add a new member to our family. Reginald (Reggie) Griffey Martin will come home on January 16th. Nick adores him. He is a Yorkie Poo. He will only get to be about 6 pounds. This is not a very good picture of him, but stay tuned for new pics when he comes home.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Gotcha Daddy!

Nick has figured out how to tackle his dad. Looks to me like he got the best of him here.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Little Froggie

I absolutely love hooded towels. The are so cute. I have a huge variety. I am sure Nick will tell me that he is too old for them before I am ready to give them up.

Kissin Already?

Come on...Maybe just one little kiss. Aren't they cute?
Nick's buddy Elly. Brandy and I think maybe we should prearrange their marriage.

Teaching her the ropes.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I Love To Clean

And the Winner is...Weight Loss and Exercise

After closing the polls on my blog it seems that most of you would like to try to lose weight or be more healthy. I did some research and found 5 ways to make sure you stick with your resolution this year.

  1. Start by setting lower goals. Don't make them too extreme.
  2. Don't overload on your resolution. Set one goal and stick with it
  3. Tell everyone you know what your resolution is. This will help you to have support with your goals.
  4. Reward yourself when you meet their goals.
  5. Wait till spring to start your resolution. The weather will be much nicer and put you in a better frame of mind to accomplish your goals.

I also found the top ten cardiovascular exercises you can to help you reach your goals.

  1. Running
  2. Cross-Country Skiing
  3. Bicycling
  4. Elliptical Trainer
  5. Swimming
  6. Step Aerobics
  7. Rowing
  8. Rock Climbing
  9. Walking
  10. Handball

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

All Dressed Up

We went to J Bucks to eat dinner of New Years Eve...What great food they have. He is what our little man looked like! How cute is he?