Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Round One....Philadelphia

Okay so season Seven has officially kicked off. I have to say I did laugh a little, but I sure hope things pick up. I cannot believe what people will do just to get on TV say for instance wax your chest hair at the request of Paula...and what about Paul the Stalker who sang the scary song to her. Milo was quite interesting too with his leopard vest and No Sex Allowed Song!
Joey Catalono impressed me with his chords. I was not sure what to expect when this recent loser of 205 pounds stepped up to the plate. I was however pleasantly surprised.
Jenot Joyner seems like another promising young musician. I cant wait to see a little more of him. His rendition of the Elton John classic left me wanting to hear more. I was however wondering what was up with his left eye. It seemed to be closed when he sang...anyone else notice this?
Next we introduce Miss Temptress Brown who is not only auditioning for herself, but her mother as well. Enough said if you all seen the show tonight!
The one contestant that left my sides hurting from laughter was Alexis Kohen. With her huge 3 D star earrings and the sparkles on her face that just didn't quit. I was not quite sure what or where this girl came from. Remind me to never take my animals to Dr. Kohen.
My two favorite performers of the night had to be Angela Martin and Kristy Lee Cook.
Angela Martin, was the young mother of the little girl who had Retts. I am tired of the sad stories to try to make it to Hollywood, but this one seemed different and I really liked her voice.
Kristy Lee Cook looked a lot like a young Rachel Hunter to me. She was really sweet and sang Amazing Grace beautifully!
Not too much action from Simon tonight which disappoints me. I love to see him get all fired up.
A few quotes from the judges tonight included:
"Moronic Jerk"
"Dream Shatter"
"Peace, Love and chicken grease"
"All because the fat lump wants to be on TV"
Stay tuned for tomorrow nights recap!


Sarah D said...

I don't enjoy the audition shows all that much (of course I watch every minute of it that I can). I like seeing the good performers and the ones that were almost good enough. The bad performers and the crazy ones, I can totally do without.

I liked the girl with the sick little girl as well. She was good and if she makes it to the top 24 she is going to get a lot of sympathy votes

Anonymous said...

Great re-cap Manda.

I had to Tivo Idol Tues. and Wed, night - but DID get to watch them both late last night.

I'm with Sarah D tho. I wish they'd have more "good" performers and spare us most of the "not-so-good" ones.