Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Do Politicians Need More Sleep?

I thought you all might enjoy this classic film of Former President Bill Clinton falling asleep during an MLK speech on Monday. I guess Hillary needs to let him sleep a little more. President Clinton has been quoted as saying that "Just 15 minutes helps to get me through the day". I guess the rest of his day went well!


Christina said...

That's funny! I'm not surprised, though. When I was deployed he stopped by the base and we all (the whole base) got into formation and made a big whoha about him being there. He spent maybe 30 seconds addressing the crowd in a very bored voice and then me and some other Airmen had to go have a very boring dinner with him. I lost respect for him because he never thanked us for being there and fighting for our country. He acted like it was a chore to visit us while he was in Doha.

Amanda M said...

Wow!! That is crazy! I guess your dinner with the prez wasn't what you would have ever expected then huh. Well I will thank you for fighting for our country. I have so much respect for the men and women who give thier lives so I don't have to.

Amanda M said...

I hope that came out the right way.