Thursday, January 3, 2008

And the Winner is...Weight Loss and Exercise

After closing the polls on my blog it seems that most of you would like to try to lose weight or be more healthy. I did some research and found 5 ways to make sure you stick with your resolution this year.

  1. Start by setting lower goals. Don't make them too extreme.
  2. Don't overload on your resolution. Set one goal and stick with it
  3. Tell everyone you know what your resolution is. This will help you to have support with your goals.
  4. Reward yourself when you meet their goals.
  5. Wait till spring to start your resolution. The weather will be much nicer and put you in a better frame of mind to accomplish your goals.

I also found the top ten cardiovascular exercises you can to help you reach your goals.

  1. Running
  2. Cross-Country Skiing
  3. Bicycling
  4. Elliptical Trainer
  5. Swimming
  6. Step Aerobics
  7. Rowing
  8. Rock Climbing
  9. Walking
  10. Handball