Wednesday, January 2, 2008

All Dressed Up

We went to J Bucks to eat dinner of New Years Eve...What great food they have. He is what our little man looked like! How cute is he?


Lisa French said...

Good Morning Baby Nick. You sure are dressed up pretty snazey. I love you and I miss you see ya soon. Gauge.

Lisa French said...

Grandma French thinks he is a preety good lookin kid. Must get it from his grandmas. HAHA.

Anonymous said...

What a HANDSOME little man!

Manda - LOVE the new look of your blog!

Amanda M said...

Thanks! I keep learning more and more about blogging everyday. If you can't tell i am using my time away from school to become more addicted to blogging.

Rebekah said...

ummm, he is SO cute!