Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Terrible Twos

I really don't want to admit it, but I
think that Nick has reached the dreaded Terrible Twos!!! It
seems like he is constantly fighting with Ryan and I about every little
thing...snacks, toys, the puppy, anything you could think of. I guess I
thought that since he was not two yet he would not enter this stage for a while. I am trying the time out method, and for the most part it seems to be working, but we still have
tantrums....ALOT, and
I don't think it is fair for him to have to sit in a time out chair all day
long. Does anybody have any advice on how to deal with this or maybe even
books or websites for me to look at. I am desperate for any help I can
get. It is even getting bad enough that Grandma Linda has resorted to using time out and we all know how spoiled this little man is by his Grandma


Rebekah said...

I'm not sure what kind of advice this is but just know, it get's better. Cooper went from being the sweetest kid EVER to making this shrill shreak anytime anyone would even LOOK his way much less try to touch him.. in the last couple of months he seems to have made a miraculous turn around. I'm not telling you to ignore it- every moment is a teachable one- I just wouldn't worry that this is what it is "gonna be like" - you've already won half the battle because you care about his behavior! KUDOS to you!

Anonymous said...

Rebekah is absolutely right. Remember, every kid in america goes through this at some point or another. Don't take it personal, and know that he will eventually move on to bigger and better things. He is just testing you. Be the parent and LOVE him. It will be fine!

JenniJones said...

Hey girl..Marina will be two in April so i no exactly how you feel. It does not make it any easier that she is spollied rotten by her daddy.... she throws food, wont eat, and things have to be her way. Shes almost ready for the potty.. so that is another thing to deal with lol.. we will get through it though Mykayla will be 5 in July and made out ok with her.. Hang in there girl I'm right there with you...