Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Ice Cream!

I am not sure how much snow everyone is getting, but I carried on a family tradition with Nick tonight and made snow ice cream with the inches that have accumulated in our yard. It was really good and Nick loved it. I had so much fun making this with my mom when I was a kid that I couldnt pass up the opportunity.
Here is the recipie.

1 cup Half & Half
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
dash of salt
5 cups of fresh, clean snow
Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!


Sarah D said...

I remember eating this when I was a little girl.

So good and somehow tasted better when you were out of school for a snow day!

Thanks for the recipe-can you use milk instead of half & half?

Amanda M said...

Yes i just used milk. It tastes just the same!

Aubrey said...

Thanks so much for posting that! I remember having snow ice cream as a kid, but never knew how to make it for Grady - He loved it!!

tz said...

No school today! We made snow ice cream!! We even trusted Hanna to get the bucket of fresh snow! She made this with Grandma Jeanne a few years ago and couldn't wait to do it today. Snow ice cream is just one of those things you have to pass on to your kids!!