Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Water Update

We are now officially residents of the Drury Inn and Suites of Fairview Heights. After consulting with the contractor we are out of our house for 3 to 4 weeks.
Not only do we have to completely redo the kitchen, but now the bathroom and the living room are involved. The contractor estimated that after all is said and done we are looking at around $15,000 worth of damage.
This should almost total our house. WOW! Unthinkable. I am wondering want in the world we will do for the next few weeks living in a hotel.
I had family coming over tomorrow and sadly they will not be able to make it. I was really looking forward to the fun we would have had to help me keep my mind off of things for a while. I will update you more tomorrow after I meet with the contractor and adjuster. Wish me luck!


Sarah D said...

I hope your insurance is taking care of all of this.

Or, better yet the plumbers insurance. Sounds like he is the one that caused this problem!

Christina said...

That's a ton of damage!!! The sunny side of it all is that if you have to redo so much you'll be able to make any changes you thought you might like to the house. :-)

Aubrey said...

Try to make the best of the hotel least someone will clean up after you!!

Nancy said...

Another good point is.. No housecleaning for a while:)

Betsy R said...

That's awful. Sounds like not only will you not have to clean, but no cooking either.

Sarah D said...

I wish I could live at a hotel!!!

Jess said...

Wow... Sorry to hear about the water. Perk: No house work for you. Maybe this will end up being a relaxing time for you:) Wishing you well!!

Dawn said...

That just SO sucks. We've had our basement flooded twice. Thank goodness it was just the basement. Best of luck!