Monday, April 7, 2008

Nothing New to Post

I haven't really been able to post anything for a while because:
  1. My husband is gone with the camera at the Masters. (Can't wait to post those pics)
  2. My job takes up more time than I thought.
  3. I have been studying like crazy to make an A in Anatomy 2(the hard work is paying off)
  4. I've been catching up on some much needed Nick time.
  5. It has been so nice the last couple of days we have spent a lot of time outside.

Hopefully when the hubby gets back I will be able to bring you some fantastic pictures. Hopefully he got a few of hottie Tiger Woods!!!!


Anonymous said...

Bruce will be so jealous when I tell him Ryan is at THE MASTERS!!!

Amanda M said...

Im kinda jealous. I wish I was there too!