Friday, April 4, 2008

100 Things About Me

After looking at Jessica's blog I have decided to post 100 things about myself. What a neat way to learn things about people that you may not have known before!

  1. I am a mother and a wife.
  2. I love to cook.
  3. I only have half a liver because of birth control pills.
  4. I love most sports.
  5. I can sing the songs to most children's songs and enjoy doing it.
  6. I go to school full time and work part time.
  7. My son weighed 9 lbs and 8 oz when he was born.
  8. I would rather wear pj's all day long than get dressed.
  9. I have 3 siblings all who are younger than me.
  10. My house is normally messy, but I like to think it is just lived in.
  11. My husband has more clothes than I do.
  12. My backyard is always flooded so we have to go to the park to play outside.
  13. I would like to become more aware of my health by exercising and eating right.
  14. My favorite vegetable is asparagus.
  15. My mom is my best friend.
  16. I miss the feel of a small town, but love the excitement of the city.
  17. Reading is a passion of mine, but i rarely have anytime to do it.
  18. I like the smell of rain.
  19. My son is my inspiration.
  20. I have a great relationship with my in-laws.
  21. My lucky number is 10.
  22. I will turn 30 in January.
  23. I secretly wish I could try out for American Idol.
  24. I have an obsession with celebrity gossip magazines.
  25. I like to look at blogs to see what is going on in my hometown.
  26. I will always be a Newton Eagle!
  27. Silence in my household is golden, but I would rather hear the sound of Nick playing.
  28. My family is very close.
  29. I wish I had a clothes line.
  30. I keep old clothes in hopes of fitting into them again. I even still have clothes from high school.
  31. I would like to send my son to a private school.
  32. I used to drive a 1979 ford pickup truck with a camper shell.
  33. I was in high school musicals.
  34. I am a member of the National Honor Society.
  35. I make better grades now than I did in high school.
  36. I like to shop for things to decorate my house with.
  37. I can twist my arms all the way around.
  38. I am a sucker for people at wal-mart asking for money.
  39. Sometimes I am way too grouchy to my husband.
  40. I am allergic to mayonnaise.
  41. I can only vacation in the winter because of my husbands job.
  42. I listen to all types of music.
  43. I have a dog and a pet turtle.
  44. I am very competitive.
  45. I am a night owl.
  46. My parents are divorced.
  47. I used to have a cosmetology licence.
  48. I have worked at almost every bar in Jasper County.
  49. I talk in my sleep.
  50. I was voted class clown of my senior class.
  51. I snore. (or so my husband says)
  52. I try to spend the money I win from the lottery even though I never play.
  53. I have played in the world series of poker.
  54. Jess my feet grew too when I was pregnant.
  55. I wear flip flops even when it rains.
  56. The first thing i notice about people are their teeth.
  57. My husband calls me Mandy.
  58. I still color.
  59. I take pictures almost everyday.
  60. I don't mind doing laundry, but hate to put it away.
  61. I should wear glasses or contacts, but i don't.
  62. I didn't know that booty means a pirates treasure until a couple of years ago.
  63. I would like eat some morel mushrooms.
  64. I wear alot of black clothing.
  65. I try to keep up with the newest fashions.
  66. I will only drink milk from a frosty glass from the freezer.
  67. I have had six different cars this year alone.
  68. I like to play video games.
  69. I would like to renovate a house.
  70. I am scared of spiders.
  71. I love pasta and seafood.
  72. Yellow is my favorite color.
  73. I have never been out of the United States.
  74. I love getting emails, but hate chain letters.
  75. I was married on a Friday.
  76. My husband is younger than I am.
  77. I got almost ten inches cut off of my hair after I had my son.
  78. I have not had short hair since my freshman year of high school.
  79. I like to bake for other people but not for myself.
  80. I spend time on my blog when I should be doing other things.
  81. I am hard on myself and don't have much confidence.
  82. I tried sushi for the first time this year and liked it.
  83. I eat soybeans as a snack.
  84. I love the feel of brand new socks.
  85. I don't wash new things before I wear them.
  86. I still try to improve my handwriting.
  87. I almost won a Harley Davidson once.
  88. I met and shook hands with Albert Pujols once at the fox theatre.
  89. I am not very good with directions.
  90. I am the one in my house who puts things together. (shelves, entertainment centers.)
  91. My husband convinced me for over a year that he did not know how to grill. He dad informed me that was not true.
  92. I don't mind trying new things.
  93. I was in color guard for 6 years and wish I could do it again.
  94. My favorite teacher was Mr. Miller.
  95. I once drove around town in my friends car when I was only 15 and got chased by the cops.
  96. I need my hair colored.
  97. I have hair on my big toe that I have to shave off. Once I waxed it. Maybe I should do that again.
  98. I would rather be hot than cold.
  99. I have never had a broken bone.
  100. I don't wear lipstick.


Jess said...

Thanks for playing Amanda! I thought it was fun and kinda hard to think of 100 things. I have hair on my big toe too..... what's up with that??

Amanda M said...

I don't know but my husband thinks it is really abnormal for a woman. I guess it just makes us unique!

amberlindemann said...

Amanda, your list made me laugh out loud a couple times......

you only have half a liver?
Not one broken bone! impressive

amberlindemann said...

Okay, after rereading my comment....I didn't want you to think I was laughing at the fact that you only have half a liver.

Let me clarify...

Your list made me laugh.

Wow, I didn't know you had half a liver.

Okay, I feel better now.

amber :)

Nancy said...

I have hair on my big toes too. I thought that was normal. I have to shave them in the summer.

Amanda M said...

Amber I knew what you meant, but thanks for the clarification. I had a tumor on my liver that weighed 8 pounds removed about 3 years ago. The tumor comprimised the left lobe of my liver so they removed it. The right side has grown back to be equal to the entire liver, but I still only have one lobe. Crazy huh!

Christina said...

WOW! You are so interesting! 6 cars, really? Wow! I'm jealous! Hair on your big toe... Nair/Veet - that's a good fix. :-) Also, I've always known that birth control must have some negative affects - but I had no idea it could be as severe as your story!

Rebekah said...

Thank you for not wearing lipstick. I hate it when people wear lipstick. Glad to hear you are still rockin' the flip-flops!

Jamee said...

Oh my gosh, I can remember so many of those things. How about, when your sick rubbing your back will make you puke!!!