Thursday, August 28, 2008


What a week it has been. To be quite honest it has been hard. I think that the numbness I felt of my mothers death has really started to wear off and the reality has started to kick in. I feel extremely guilty that I have not gotten all thank you cards sent out yet, but rest assure I am working on them.

I started the fall semester of nursing classes and fully realize how much of a challenge they will be. In the first week I have 13 chapters and 5 study guides to complete. I finally started back to work. To be honest I am thankful for the normalcy and routine I am presented with.
I have started to learn "skills" in one of my classes and thoroughly enjoy it. It is nice to get away from strictly book work and move on to a more hands on type of learning.
Time seems to be going so fast and I feel the pain of not being able to keep my mom updated on my process. I miss her more than words could ever say, but know she is here with me through this journey.
Till next time!


Nancy said...

Best of Luck at school, you will do an excellent job!! Your Mom will always be with you and no one can ever take away your love shared and years of memories.

Please express your feelings,thoughts etc. and
never hold things in

My oldest son won't talk much about his Dad's death, and it is affecting him and his life. IT tears me up to see him do this to himself, but he just won't open up to anyone about his dad or break down in tears.

Christina said...

If you ever need to talk, just call. I can relate on so many levels. They all say it will get easier... I would just like to know when...


Megan said...

Amanda First time reading your blog. I am sorry to hear about your mom, but keep your faith with it you will get through anything! Just remember that the man upstairs is taking good care of her and she has no more pain. You will see her someday.
Your little boy is a cutie! Study hard once you get done you will have a huge accomplishment in your life.

Megan said...

Amanda this is the first time I have seen your blog. I am very sorry to read about your mom. Just keep the faith with it you can get through anything.
School is hard and I know it is hard to juggle work, family, school and just everyday life. It will be a huge accomplishment when you are done though.
What a cutie you have. Boys are a blast and always keep you on your toes!

Megan said...

okay I did not read your big bold thing that says all comments must be approved first. oops sorry about the other three postings I tried to do. I wondered why they would not go. Guess I should have read that big black bold comment!

Dawn said...

I don't even know what to say but please know that I am thinking of you!