Monday, February 25, 2008

Smart little man

Ryan and I are lucky enough to have a very intelligent 18 month old. He repeats everything we say and do. He amazes me every single day with the new things he learns and does. Not only is he smart, but he is very observant as well. When Reggie's water or food bowl is empty he will carry them in to us and say "more drink". I just can't believe that he would know something like that at his age. Well to add to this story...Nick was hanging out with Reggie at the sight of his food and water dishes. We heard a loud slurping sound. We looked over and Nick was on all fours drinking out of Reggie's water bowl. I know it is disgusting and we needed to redirect him so that he would not try it again, but who could not laugh out loud at something like that. He definitely keeps things interesting in our household.


Debbie C. said...

OMG that is too funny! Now I would liked to have seen a picture of that!!