Thursday, June 5, 2008

Reggies Shadow

Nick is putting words into sentences, working very hard on potty training, and just amazes me each and every day with the new things he shows me.

In the last couple of days however, I have noticed something very different about Nick. When he kisses us he sticks out his tongue. He licks our arms and legs, the coffee table and just about anything else he can reach. I started to wonder just what he was seeing to be constantly licking everything....

Then it occurred to me! Nick watches Reggie lick everything and so he is playing Reggie's shadow. I have even caught Nick trying to lick water out of Reggie's bowl. Oh my. Whats a mom to do with a part boy, part dog?

Hopefully this phase will pass just like the others. I fear I may have a copy of the little boy from the Christmas Story soon when supper time rolls around.


Jamee said...

Thats funny, the other day I walked in and Hayden was on all fours, drinking out of Kyzer's water bowl. If he hikes his leg on the side of the couch, you may have a problem