Saturday, June 7, 2008

Friday Afternoon Fieldtrip

My friend Jessica invited Nick and I to join her and her twin daughters, (Maya and Finnely) to go to Cahokia Mounds on Friday for a field trip. Her cousin is an archaeologist and is excavating part of the area. We were able to watch the dig, and they even let the kids sift through dirt in hopes of finding and ancient Indian artifact. After all of the excitement on the excavation site we took the kids up Monk's Mound. It is one of the many mounds in the area. They all three climbed to the very top without any help at all. Needless to say they all slept very well on Friday night.

Running through one of the walls that used to protect the village.

The excavation site.

Remnants of a former wall.

Digging for artifacts.

Helping carry dirt to the sifter.

This is actually the last leg of Monk's Mound.

Before the hike up the mound.

Half-way there!

A view from the top.


Christina said...

WOW! What an exciting field trip!!! Looks like fun!