Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hillbilly Washers III

Here are the completed washer boards. Ryan wants to play every night. I just hope he doesn't wear me out before Saturday. All the hard work we did painting is being chipped off every time we throw the washers. Ryan feels it just gives them character. I on the other hand feel like we should paint them again before we go. I am sure he will win out on this one.


Grandma Linda said...

We're glad you don't play every night...ha, only joking. It is sorta like you put the "plunk, pling" noise out of mind until you really don't notice it.

Amanda M said...

Ryan swears its not loud upstairs, but i know different. I heard it when i was upstairs and he was practicing. Hopefully the ground dries up a little and we can get outside to play.