Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nick and his potty

I think it is official that Nick is finally potty trained. He is not longer pooping on the floor. He tells us now every time he has to potty. I am very impressed. He even has dry pull-ups when he wakes up in the morning. Is it time to try under ware at night time?


Mandy K said...

There will still be accidents for some time. I would put real underwear on Brooke then follow up with a pull up. That worked until I was real confident with her sleeping and waking up dry. And she still got to wear her big girl pants.

Christina said...

YAY! :-) That's BIG news!

Emily Volkman said...

that is a hard one,,, Reese has been potty trained for 6 months,,and EVERYTIME I put real undies on for bed she pees. I'm partial to blsme though,,, I let her drink milk before she goes to bed :(
ps he is sooo stinkin cute!!

JenniJones said...

hey girl thats awesome that is potty trained.. just wanted to let you know that Marina has been potty trained since last year. we still do put a pull up on her at nights she does wake up most of the time dry but there are sometimes that she has a few accidents.. i know every kid is differnt but since she still likes to sleep with us in bed (yes i know bad habbit) i hate to have to get up and change all the bed sheets.. but its really up to you..good luck!