Wednesday, February 11, 2009

busy, busy, busy

Lets just say I have been more than a little busy the last couple of weeks. I have had two tests in a row and have spent the majority of my waking hours studying. I am in an OB class right now and it is really interesting. I love my teacher. He is also my clinical instructor. The past couple of weeks I have been on postpartum. Although I thought it would be very boring, it is anything but. Next week I get to help out in Labor and Delivery. I can't wait. It should be very exciting. My house is a mess, we eat out all the time because I don't have time to cook, and my husband thinks I am neglecting him. My instructors warned me of this on my very first day. Oh well the reward at the end will be well worth it....wonder what it will be like when I continue for my masters?